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Open umbels - 2 held here together, again apologizing for "the hand" though providing a size contrast it's a hog of a spotlight seeking ego...
Allium neriniflorum
Twisted-leaf Onion
Plant Type:
BULBSAllium neriniflorum (syn. Caloscordum neriniflorum) - This bulb is a little charmer. From a relatively large bulb comes a small accompaniment of grassy leaves with relatively large open umbels and a long summer flowering. Flowers from this seed source are an intense violet-purple radiating from the main stem on airy umbels. As flowers age they lighten in color. It originates in Mongolia Zabaykalsky Krai, Siberia, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning according to to Wikipedia... some of these regions I never knew existed; fascinating this planet of ours. It is tolerant of average garden soils, sandy, scrabbled but will tolerate wet meadows as well as banks. Twisted-leaf Onion... nuthin' twisted 'bout it; like I said earlier: it's a charmer. Full sun. Perfect in the rockery. Established bulb, flowering size from seed or offset.
Characteristics and Attributes for Allium neriniflorum
Season of Interest (Flowering)
- Summer
Season of Interest (Foliage)
- Spring / Summer
Nature Attraction
- Honey Bees & Native Bees
- Butterflies
- Deer Resistant
- Full Sun
- Rock Garden
- Border
- Grouping
- Natural Garden
- Drought Tolerant
- Bank
- Trough
Growth Rate in the Garden
- Slow
- Sandy
- Adaptable
- Draining
- Average
- Scrabbled
- China
- Mongolia
- Siberia
Propagated By
- By Seed / Potted
- Offset