Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Nanus’ – 'Nanus' is a smaller mounding form of Ninebark with green leaves. Pretty buds in light pastel pink open into typical white flowers with purplish stamens. Fall color can be a mix of colors with red as a base. ‘Nanus’ can be used on an embankment, as a filler shrub in a hedgerow between and before larger shrubs or even as an edge of the woodland shrubbery. It is also a good plant to reclaim wildlife areas. And due to smaller size and terrific mildew resistance it is a good breeding parent with gold and purple-leaf forms to explore the possibility of new, smaller cultivars. This is an irregularly rounded and mounding form. Not only is it useful it is adaptable as well: to sun, shade and wetter or even drought conditions. Cutting grown.
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