Click for previous Image Image 1 of 3 Carex siderosticha Broad-leaved Sedge

Carex siderosticha 'Snow Cap'

Broad-leaved Sedge

Plant Type:


Carex siderosticha 'Snow Cap' (ex: Hinkley) – Originally from Dan Hinkley’s Heronswood Nursery this exhibits much more cream-white than green in each blade, much more so than ‘Surf’s Up’. This absolutely lights up in the shade garden. Another feature is that in the north this beautiful selection emerges with some pink in the color mix and matures white with a bit of green striping. It is a surprisingly vigorous perennial considering its apparent lack of chlorophyll. This form which came our way from our friend, Professor Jonathan Lehrer with a "good variegated form" in double quotes in place of a moniker is actually 'Snow Cap'. In fact, it was none other than Tony Avent who suggested to us that this plant which came named as "good variegated form" is, indeed, 'Snow Cap'... Who are we to argue with Tony??? Tagged with any moniker this variegated form is exceptional. Spring planting advised in the north.


3-6 in

Characteristics and Attributes for Carex siderosticha 'Snow Cap'

Season of Interest (Foliage)

  • Spring / Summer / into Autumn

Nature Attraction

  • Songbirds
  • Deer Resistant


  • Dappled Shade
  • Morning Sun / Afternoon Shade
  • Shade


  • Natural Garden
  • Border
  • Edging
  • Ground Cover
  • Rock Garden
  • Massing

Growth Rate in the Garden

  • Medium


  • Average
  • Fertile
  • Woodland
  • Draining

Propagated By

  • Division

Genus Overview: Carex

We like all the sedges but among our favorites is Broad-leaved Sedge. So many sedges are tough, easy and can be as ornamental and utilitarian as they are good wildlife plants. Carex siderosticha stands out as an especially showy genus slowly forming dense carpets of relatively broad foliage from 1” to 2” wide growing 3” to 6” in length. Some cultivars may grow perhaps taller in optimum conditions. This useful sedge is certainly deciduous in northern gardens but planted in landscapes at the southern end of its range may be virtually evergreen. The inflorescences which are not very interesting sometimes emerge, however, with some pink in the stems. Grow it for the foliage. Plant in part to open shade in fertile soil. The genus Carex in Cyperaceae is large group including many numbers of species from all around the globe. Many are very important wildlife plants. And though the flowers are generally not beautiful the seeds feed many numbers of birds and small mammals. C. siderosticha, the species, originates in China. All of our Carex siderosticha cultivars are offered as pot-grown divisions.