Weigela florida ‘Minor Black’ – (Only 1 available.) Deep blackened red foliage so dark that it actually appears to be black from the distance is stunning. Deep red flowers adorn the blackish foliage foil in May/June. This would be richly used in contrast to other shrubs with green, variegated or golden foliage, especially those with bolder leaves than ‘Minor Black’. The dwarf mounding and spreading habit make it a good foundation plant or a front-of-the-border shrub in a mixed planting. Very useful and, sadly, under-used... I LOVE editorializing.
Weigela are easy-natured shrubs with spring funnel-shaped flowers in axillary cymes blossoming on 2nd year wood. Weiglea is happy in average to good draining soils in sun. All W. florida cultivars bloom in middle to late spring. They are useful, forgiving components in mixed plantings with either perennials or other shrubs. They are best planted with companions that offer autumn and winter interest as Weigela is coarse when the foliage drops. Originating in Japan our offerings are of garden origin except for wonderful W. subsessilis which is from China and flowers extra early in the growing season – long before W. florida. All of the following are cutting grown.