Allium schoenoprasum var. sibericum 'Pink Giant' (ex: Jonathan Lehrer) - is a robust tetraploid with outstanding large pink flowers in spring to summer. The big pink flowers whose outline is more like a broad bowl or an overused shaving brush open from luminous pale green teardrop-shaped buds. Vertical bluish foliage holds well into autumn turning a nice yellow. 'Pink Giant' is very showy and that bluish foliage is a knockout - a good vertical accent in the full sun perennial garden. We have seen this bulb listed as hardy to USDA zone 3 but we are not convinced. It is definitely hardy through zone 5 and possibly into zone 4. Does anyone know with certainty the northern end of its range? Tough and easy, this ornamental onion is even an appropriate vertical accent for green roof gardens. Site in lots of sun planted in any well-draining soil. If ordered in autumn your Allium will arrive as dormant potted bulbs. Esatblished pot grown division.
The Ornamental Onions are a large group with many garden-worthy species. We’ve selected some that have performed well for us. Most require full to nearly full sun in most any average garden soil. The addition of lime is helpful in acid soils. All our Alliums are offered as pot-grown flowering-sized bulbs from our stock plants.