Disanthus cercidifolius – Disanthus is a most handsome and another aristocratic member of the Hamamelidaceae. Michael Dirr calls it “magnificent”, an observation to which I heartily agree. Speaking of “heartily”, the moniker, cercidifolius, refers to the most attractive heart-shaped blue-green leaves. They change in autumn to a rich, deep red-purple shade sometimes infused with orange from late season well into the fall before finally dropping. It will form a multi-stemmed broad-growing shrub composed of thin gray-brown branches. Dark purple-red paired flowers blossom in the leaf axils in October, not especially showy; in fact, you are likely to miss them altogether unless you make a point of peering into the shrub looking for them! Nonetheless the flowers are interesting. Plant Disanthus cercidifolius in moist fertile soil with much organic matter in open to dappled shade. We sheltered ours for three years after the initial planting but our specimen is perfectly content now that it has attained some size without further protection. Though I have seen this shrub listed as hardy to USDA zone 6 it has behaved well for us with no tip die-back in harsh winters. Our shrub sets resplendently in a location modestly sheltered from winter winds. But please consider whether or not this may be a wise choice for your area if to be planted in autumn. Established potted shrub, cutting grown.