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Amorphophallus konjac 'Gordon's Gold'

Devil's Tongue

Plant Type:


Amorphophallus konjac 'Gordon's Gold' - from Dave Gordon comes this golden-leaved selection of Devil's Tongue. In open or dappled shade the golden hue will illuminate. In deeper shade the yellow will fade to green quickly. Increase your odds by offering a couple hours of early morning sun and the golden hue will hold for the season. From the flattened round tuber which will grow eventually to about 10 inches in diameter arises a fleshy green stem spotted brown. Dichotomous appearing bi-pinnately compound foliage is suggestively tropical. When mature enough a wild, bizarre and large (to 2 feet tall) dusky red-purple-brown malevolent spathe flower smelling of rotten meat blossoms on a stem that may rise as high as 5 feet – a flower that only Morticia Addams would embrace; although admittedly we find them mesmerizing, fascinating and exotic - no texture quite like 'em! And isn't there at least a touch of Morticia in so many of us? This is a food plant in various parts of Asia; it also has laxative, cleansing and satiety properties. Easy to grow in large containers in the north it is a tropical to subtropical plant that appreciates a fertile moisture retaining soil which has been amended with organic matter. Grow it in shade or dappled conditions sheltered from wind. At the end of the growing season place it in a cool corner in your basement or under a bench if you have a cool greenhouse. Ours remain potted in one of our cool greenhouses. Water less when dormant. Potted bulb.

We find all the aroids fascinating, primitive, oddly alluring, curious, with some - those emitting dangerous scent exude lurid malevolence. They are amazing. Their texture is unequaled in the garden adding exceptional interest, excitement and primitive presence.


36 in



Characteristics and Attributes for Amorphophallus konjac 'Gordon's Gold'

Season of Interest (Flowering)

  • Summer

Season of Interest (Foliage)

  • Spring / Summer / into Autumn

Nature Attraction

  • Deer Resistant


  • Sun Tolerant
  • Morning Sun / Afternoon Shade
  • Dappled Shade


  • Accent
  • Container
  • Collector Plant
  • Foliage
  • Woodland
  • Specimen

Growth Rate in the Garden

  • Moderately Fast


  • Fertile
  • Moist


  • Garden Origin

Propagated By

  • Offset

Genus Overview: Amorphophallus

Amorphophallus as a genus is among the odder, darker of the amazing and perpetually fascinating aroid group. Flowers are fleshy vases (spathes) with a fat, vertical tongue (spadix) emerging from the center of the wrap. Most species smell of decaying flesh though not all. The curious flowers coupled with the foetid odor adds to their dark allure. The malodorous quality evolved to draw the insects that perform the pollination service.

Foliage is large, showy and complex - a beautiful complement to more delicately-leaved companions or in a bold stroke a fine contrast to large, in-your-face simple leaves.

Older bulbs of some species become concave at the top which turns them into shallow bowls which can collect water. More so towards the northern end of the range this can be damaging as cold, icy water can contribute to rot. Digging the bulbs and keeping them in the cool corner of a basement or the like won't set them back. Or digging down and turning them on their sides and re-covering them for the long winter's nap is also a way to care for your charge. Ours remain potted in one of our cool greenhouses. If potted water less when dormant.

Easy to grow in large containers in the north it is a plant found in the warmer temperate regions with a number of tropical species. Most will appreciate a fertile moisture retaining soil which has been amended with organic matter. Grow it in shade or dappled conditions sheltered from wind.

We find all the aroids fascinating, primitive, oddly alluring, curious, with some - those emitting dangerous scent exude lurid malevolence. They mesmerize with their primitive presence.