Magnolia x soulangeana 'Bauman's Pink' (ex: Bob Adams) - A rare, virtually unknown and unregistered Saucer Magnolia exhibiting two major differences with others of its ilk: 1) flowers are a true pink according to Bob Adams, opening fully a week later than the more readily available cultivars. (This may be a useful trait in the north when spring frosts can and occasionally do wreak havoc), and 2) the form of the buds appear as erect candles at the tips of branches; the two-toned buds are beautiful with all upper parts of the still closed tepals white and the bases clear pink in about a 50 / 50 split. The large gorgeious flowers open to beautiful pink and white fragrant vases. Karen Vallowe shared "It was found by Harold Bauman of Harrisburg, Illinois, I believe near an old farmstead or fencerow." We are uncertain of the northern hardiness cut off but can safely tell you that it is perfectly content in USDA zone 5 with likelihood into USDA 4, perhaps all of 4. We thank Bob Adams for making 'Bauman's Pink', a most worthy addition to the spectacular Magnolia clan, available to us and by extension the sophisticated gardening community that recognize the "something different". Fertile, moisture retaining deep ground; a deep, rich organic soil is ideal. Full sun or close to it. Established potted Magnolia from cutting.