Not a great pic but gives you an idea. Plant will grow into a large rounded mound entirely cloaked in variegated leaves and multitudes of pink flowers.
Boehemria spicata 'Chantilly' - Creamy white buzz saw-toothed serrations stand out on the green leaves. There is stippling and streaking of white on the green tissue. Sometimes there is some pink evident. However, no two leaves are alike; some sport green serrations, others do not. Some develop more creamy-white highlights than others. Some exhibit more striations than stippling and vice versa. In summer pedicels form and extend from leaf axils with strands of branched short pink spires in early summer and last the summer. Grow in light shade to full sun. In full sun there must be enough consistent moisture in the fertile soi in which this perennial revels. Young leaves are said to be pleasantly-flavored. Historically Boehmeria spicata was processed into a a fiber used to make paper, cloth and rope. Though related to Stinging Nettle the only sting will be a cupid's dart to the heart, e.g. 'Chantilly' has no bite! Established potted Koakaso from cutting.