Galega x hartlandii 'Lady Wilson' - Tall racemes of smoky blue and white pea flowers span nearly the entire summer. The spikes rise above long pinnate leaves carrying obovate blades paired in opposite formation with a single leaf pointing straight out at the tips... the structure rather fern-like. Attractive if not downright beautiful this will be a long blooming bridge in the processional of flowers having their day in the summer garden. Place Galega x hartlandii 'Lady Wilson' at the back of the border, in frotn of taller shrubs. As a large colony before small trees on the larger estate it would be an unusual lawn specimen. This is a new genus for us - we've never grown it before hence little information to share. We don't know about autumn planting but suggest that it might be more viable in the warmer reaches of the climate zone span in which it will live; nothern gardeners might want to consider spring planting. Established potted Galega from cutting or division.