Agave 'Silver Surfer' – Thick-textured silvery gray surfboard leaves end in a sharp thorny point... of course, “purply” prose. But if it were real that tip would impale the swimmer between it and the shoreline; man: those spikes are weapons, beautiful weapons! But these agaves are all so architecturally perfect and stunning. And the embroidered diagonal imprint of the leaf edges on the new blades from those erect leaves still encircled in the vertical cone is an elegant decoration - like a refined brocade. We wish we could successfully grow them outdoors in northeastern Connecticut where they would make incredible four season accents, specimens and groupings. This is one of a handful of genera that give us zone envy. Why people wish to grow lawns in parts of the country where xeric plants including cacti and agaves are appropriate... well, go figure?! The grass is NOT always greener... With changing hydrology and more greatly stressed aquifers and water systems in traditionally arid places may lawns become an anathema. Established pot grown off sets.