Haemanthus humilis (ex: Ellen Hornig) – Ellen Hornig informed us that this Haemanthus, H. humilis, is still considerably rare. Though superficially similar to H. carneus the rounded, pink flowering globe-shaped inflorescence is supported by a short, thick light to medium green stalk supporting the pink globes. These erupt prior to the emergence of the green, broad tongues of leaves. And those leaves very much suggest their allegiance to Amaryllis and Hippeastrum. In fact, for all those who are fans of Amaryllidaceae this collector item is a must. It's a beautiful thing. One of its common names is Rabbit Ears... if the ears are that big I'm moving far away before I see what they're attached to. More moisture during the growing season is warranted but keeping a potted bulb drier during its dormancy in winter is prerequisite. And, please, if potted do so in a clay pot. This will make a great greenhouse or alpine house plant in the north. If containerized winter dry is important. Good drainage in a rock garden in the full or nearly full sun will keep it happy. Pot grown bulb, this one from seed, flowering size.