Hamamelis vernalis 'Quasimodo' - This form of the Ozark or Vernal Witch Hazel only grows 30 to 40 inches tall by 30 to 40 inches across; dwarf in comparison to its larger growing brethren which grow about twice as large. In time, however, 'Quasimodo' may grow as tall as 48 inches albeit slowly. The form is upright mounding and dense. Leaves are smaller than its full-sized siblings. The spidery flowers create a burnt orange haze in late winter to early spring. They are spicily fragrant and worth drawing close and sniffing. Bright green leaves on this handsome shrub remain handsome in summer. These metamorphose to a respectable yellow in autumn before dropping. For us in northeastern Connecticut Hamamelis vernalis is a tough customer in full sun to partly shady situations planted in any good garden soil. 'Quasimodo' was introduced in the European nursery trade in 1980 but the species is found along creeks on the Ozark Plateau. Established pot grown shrub from cutting ready to take off in your landscape.