Indigofera incarnata 'Alba' (aka I. decora 'Alba') - This is the white flowering form of the Chinese Indigo. Attractive compound leaves are the foil for white pea flowers in racemes. Indigofera incarnata 'Alba' is summer blooming. In time this will make a gentle, soft larger scale ground cover if allowed, especially effective with taller, bolder garden denizens set behind. Indigoferas are somewhat ignored by gardeners in this country. This is unfortunate because they are clean and trouble-free from the start to season's finish, they are not at all fussy, and they are lovely in their legume kinda way. Some are tauting this as a "plant of the future"... folks, the future is now! In USDA zone 5 Chinese Indigo will behave as an herbaceous perennial to a subshrub. Farther south it is thought of as a low growing shrub... it's one of those oddities that kinda sorta fits in the middle. As people we love to orderly categorize with clean lines separating this from that but so much of the universe runs on a spectrum, plants certainly so. Fully to mostly sunny siting planted in draining soil. For gardeners towards the northern end of its range spring planting is advised. Established potted shrub grown from cutting.