Viburnum burejaeticum 'PO17S' Mini Man - A very handsome, useful dwarf Manchurian Viburnum. Other than dwarf size salient features include longevity of its clean white May flowers, persistent fruit metamorphosing from red to blue to black, potential for good autumn leaf shades, modest drought tolerance and deer resistance. Often, though not an annual guarantee the heavy-textured leaves turn a rich maroon in autumn. Plant with another V. burejaeticum or V. lantana or its selections to provide cross-pollination potential to insure fruiting. And, yes, this is a good bird and bee plant. Though Viburnum burejaeticum 'PO17S' Mini Man is introduced by Plant Select in Fort Collins, Colorado the species originates from China, the species name derived from the Bureia mountains. Full to mostly sunny exposure planted in fertile, draining soil. Established potted shrub from cutting.