Peltoboykinia tellimoides - In early summer creamy yellow shuttlecock flowers rise on above dark green, bold leaves that are reminiscent of large maple leaves or enormous Coral Bells leaves. The flowers which continue for many weeks are okay but its leaves are the go-to reason for this choice shade lover. A single leaf may stretch to ten inches in diameter. Yawato-so, its common moniker, is a choice shade to dappled shade-loving woodlander that requires a constantly moist woodland to fertile soil. Streamside on a bank is a dream home for Peltoboykinia tellimoides if Yawato-so does dream in a bare, slow and cool consciousness. Choice. Uncommon. Contrasts beautifully with ferns, Disporum, Maianthemum and Polygonatum - any shade lover that is delicate by comparison. And once established nearly indestructible. Established pot grown perennial from division.