Ajuga genevensis - Geneva Bugle displays deep blue flowers on vertical stems from 6 to 12 inches tall in May and June. Flower spikes are large and showy expanding from one-half inch to three-quarter inches wide. Alternately known as Carpet Bugle, Ajuga genevensis will not spread with the forward march as does the stoloniferous A. reptans; rather it forms a small "throw rug" approaching 2 feet in diameter. Attractive leaves are green, elongated and narrow scalloped tongues. Planted en masse it can be an effective ground cover if that is your need or it can be used as part of a front-of-the-border scheme, one when in bloom that will attract winged creatures of many forms. Site in plenty of sun planted in well-drained conditions... too cloying and moisture retentive condition will result in rot. Established potted plant by division or seed.