Acer palmatum 'Burgundy Lace' - A beautiful full moon-shaped shrubby tree that was developed in the U.S. The dark orb is densely cloaked with red wine-purple deeply incised and serrated leaves placing it in the category as one of the ribbon-leaf forms. Leaf color is steadfast with some bronzing occurring only in the late season. This is a cultivar not often seen... gee, go figure: unusual plants at Quackin' Grass. Shocking. Great in full sun to half shade, we would recommend partly shaded sited in the more southerly parts of its range with hot afternoon sun avoided. Fertile, draining soil for all Japanese Maples is fundamental to satisfying culture. If a gardener has the space it is understandable that one would become a collector and would attempt to grow each and every cultivar available! That's a collection that would demand a visit. Small, well-rooted starter tree from cutting... not grafted.
So many maples, so little time! There are an extraordinary number of very good species in Aceraceae, many of smaller stature that fit well in smaller landscapes and gardens of any size. Most have multi-season appeal and, indeed, these are the ones to which we at Quackin’ Grass Nursery gravitate. Most are content in fertile draining soils sited in full sun. Others are happier in the part sun conditions akin to the understory stature as suggested by their size. Through the years we have found that many maples when planted in the far northern end of the USDA hardiness range respond well to protection during at least their first winter - preferably more - in the landscape, i.e. use tall stakes set firmly in the ground with burlap attached completely barricading the tree. All of our maple offerings are cutting grown; these plants are not grafted.