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Trillium grandiflorum 'Snow Bunting'

Showy Wake-robin

Plant Type:


Trillium grandiflorum ‘Snow Bunting’ (ex: Dick Redfield) – This is one of a handful of the remarkable but still quite rare double forms of the Showy Wake-robin. Dick Redfield, a well-known Connecticut rock gardener and friend of H. Lincoln Foster, lived in the town Scotland which is near to Quackin’ Grass Nursery. So, Dick would usually make a couple visits each year to us. We were always so honored. Several years ago he was interested in a fairly rare species of Clematis from China we had made available. I told Dick I’d be happy to trade one for a piece of rhizome of his double Trillium. He mulled it over for a few moments, looked intensely and directly into my eyes, cocked an eyebrow and agreed. Hence, a Yankee trade was born! We are fairly certain this is not ‘Eco Double Gardenia’ which is a lovely slightly more lax double form. Ours is more “formal”, symmetrical. It may be ‘Snow Bunting’ but no one has been able to positively identify it for us. Whichever cultivar it may be it is gorgeous, slightly shorter and later flowering than the straight species and a coveted perennial here at Quackin' Grass. Trillium may arrive bare root or potted.


8-10 in



Characteristics and Attributes for Trillium grandiflorum 'Snow Bunting'

Season of Interest (Flowering)

  • Spring

Season of Interest (Foliage)

  • Spring / Summer


  • Morning Sun / Afternoon Shade
  • Shade
  • Dappled Shade


  • Rock Garden
  • Specimen
  • Woodland

Growth Rate in the Garden

  • Slow


  • Draining
  • Fertile


  • Garden Origin

Propagated By

  • Division
  • Bare Root

Genus Overview: Trillium

Common Name: Toadshade

Trillium is a magnificent woodland genus; most of the 49 taxa (49 according to Don Jacobs whose authority I accept) grace us with their presence right here in North America, a handful in East Asia and nowhere else. They are spring bloomers with many becoming dormant by midsummer. Their structure is basic, this from “American Treasures” by Don L. Jacobs and Rob L. Jacobs: “Adult individuals produce no basal foliage, only a whorl of 3 leaves at the stem summit. Furthermore, all floral parts are in whorls of three: 3 sepals, 3 petals, and 3 seed-bearing carpels jointed into a single pistil with 3 pollen-receptor stigmas.” Henceforth, the “Tri” in Trillium makes simple and elegant sense. Be assured: none of our woodland plants are wild collected. Site Trillium in fertile draining soil in part sun to open shade. They are tolerant of dry summer shade. All our plants are offered by division of their slow growing rhizomes.