Click for previous Image Image 1 of 4 Sanguinaria canadensis Double Bloodroot

Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex'

Double Bloodroot

Plant Type:


Sanguinaria canadensis ‘Multiplex’ – The double form of Bloodroot is one of our most beautiful wildflowers… at least it’s a favorite of mine. The milk white double form of Bloodroot is a knockout in the pageant of spring woodlanders. As beautiful as it is in photographs, and many know of it, folks who see it in person for the first time – well, their exclamations and excitement cannot be contained as we have experienced here on nursery grounds on numerous occasions. This is a sterile form and, therefore, does not set seed. Typical foliage follows which holds its good looks for months. 'Multiplex' slowly spreads. Originally espied by Guido von Webern in a recently purchased wild patch in Dayton, Ohio he marked, nurtured and finally shared his spectacular find. (We thank Jim McCaulley for sharing this bit of history with us.) Potted division or two, if one division each will support 2 to 3 eyes.

For a more in depth discussion of this wonderful woodlander please refer to Sanguinaria canadensis / Bloodroot under Plant Portraits in the HERALD section of our website.


4-8 In



Characteristics and Attributes for Sanguinaria canadensis 'Multiplex'

Season of Interest (Flowering)

  • Spring

Season of Interest (Foliage)

  • Spring / Summer / into Autumn


  • Morning Sun / Afternoon Shade
  • Dappled Shade
  • Shade


  • Border
  • Natural Garden
  • Woodland
  • Rock Garden

Growth Rate in the Garden

  • Slow


  • Fertile

Propagated By

  • Cutting Grown