We have completed our final shipping event today (Nov 10, 2024); 25 boxes of all sizes are carefully packed awaiting pick up by UPS.
QGN is now officially closed*. I want to thank all of our fine customers - so very many of you are names I have come to recognize. It has been a happy pleasure to fulfill your plant wants and needs.
May your lives be joyous. Dance in the garden. Howl at the moon. Be loving and kind. And perhaps by chance we shall meet up only to smile and laugh. All the very best to you.
*The catalog is now to be a reference library for all. Understand there can be no sales - please don't ask. The catalog is purely maintained for research and reference. If you should contact me please understand that this is a very busy and difficult time; in that, I may not respond... don't hate me for it. I'm just seriously occupied. Thank you.

Maackia amurensis
Amur Maackia

Magnolia denudata
Yulan Magnolia

Magnolia macrophylla
Bigleaf Magnolia

Magnolia virginiana ''Alabama Form''
Sweet Bay Magnolia

Magnolia virginiana 'Lone Star'
Sweetbay Magnolia

Magnolia x 'Jon Jon'

Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messel'

Magnolia x loebneri 'Pink Mist'

Magnolia x loebneri 'Wild Cat'

Magnolia x soulangeana 'Bauman's Pink'
Saucer Magnolia

Maianthemum canadense
Canada Mayflower

Malus 'Quackin' Mad Trixie'

Melissa officinalis 'Gold Leaf'
Golden Lemon Balm

Miscanthus x 'Andante'
Maiden Grass

Monarda austroappalachia
Bee Balm

Morella (form. Myrica) pennsylvanica (FEMALE)
Northern Bayberry

Morella (form. Myrica) pennsylvanica (MALE)
Northern Bayberry

Morus alba 'Nuclear Blast'
White Mulberry

Morus alba 'Unryu'
Contorted White Mulberry

Morus rubra 'Super Dwarf'
Red Mulberry

Mukdenia rossii 'Crimson Fans'

Mukdenia rossii 'Starstream'

Myhrris odorata
Sweet Cicely

Myrica gale
Sweet Gale

Neillia sinensis
Chinese Neillia

Nerine alta

Nerine angustifolia

Nerine bowdenii

Nerine krigei

Nerine laticoma

Nerine masoniorum

Neviusia alabamensis
Alabama Snow-wreath

Nymphaea odorata 'Arc en Ciel'
Hardy Water Lily

Nymphaea odorata 'Colorado Peach'
Hardy Water Lily

Nymphaea odorata 'Helvola'
Hardy Water Lily

Nymphaea odorata 'Madame Wilfron Gonnere'
Hardy Water Lily

Nymphaea odorata 'Perry's Baby Red'
Hardy Water Lily

Ophiopogon japonicus 'Aritaki'
Mondo Grass

Ophiopogon japonicus 'Gyoku Ryu'
Mondo Grass

Ophiopogon japonicus 'Snow Globe'
Mondo Grass

Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens'
Black Mondo Grass

Ophiopogon sp.
Mondo Grass

Opuntia debreczeyi 'Alberta Sunset'
Ball Cactus

Opuntia fragilis 'Black Cat'
Ball Cactus

Opuntia fragilis 'Bronze Beauty'
Ball Cactus

Opuntia fragilis 'Claude Arno'
Ball Cactus

Opuntia fragilis 'Little Grey Mound'
Ball Cactus

Opuntia fragilis (ex: Lake of the Woods, Canada)
Ball Cactus

Opuntia fragilis (Southwest Nebraska)
Ball Cactus

Opuntia fragilis var. denuda
Potato Cactus

Opuntia sp. 'Purple Desert'
Beaver Tail Cactus

Orixa japonica 'Pearl Frost'
Japanese Orixa

Orixa japonica 'Summer Sunshine'
Japanese Orixa

Orostachys furusei
Dunce Cap

Orostachys x 'Crazy Eddie'

Osmanthus americanus
Wild Olive

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Kaori hime'
Holly Tea Olive

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Nana'
Dwarf Holly Tea Olive

Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Purpureus'
Holly Tea Olive

Osmunda regalis
Royal Fern

Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Royal Fern

Oxalis regnellii 'Irish Mist'
Wood Sorrel

Oxalis regnellii 'Triangularis'
False Shamrock