We have completed our final shipping event today (Nov 10, 2024); 25 boxes of all sizes are carefully packed awaiting pick up by UPS.
QGN is now officially closed*. I want to thank all of our fine customers - so very many of you are names I have come to recognize. It has been a happy pleasure to fulfill your plant wants and needs.
May your lives be joyous. Dance in the garden. Howl at the moon. Be loving and kind. And perhaps by chance we shall meet up only to smile and laugh. All the very best to you.
*The catalog is now to be a reference library for all. Understand there can be no sales - please don't ask. The catalog is purely maintained for research and reference. If you should contact me please understand that this is a very busy and difficult time; in that, I may not respond... don't hate me for it. I'm just seriously occupied. Thank you.

Danae racemosa
Poet's Laurel

Daphne cneorum var. pygmaea
Rose Daphne

Daphne genkwa 'John Bieber'
Lilac Daphne

Daphne x napolitana 'Meon'

Deutzia crenata 'Variegata'
Slender Deutzia

Deutzia crenata 'White Splashed'
Slender Deutzia

Deutzia crenata var. nakiana 'Nikko'
Slender Deutzia

Deutzia scabra 'Variegata'
Fuzzy Deutzia

Deutzia x hybrida 'Magicien'

Dianthus turkestanicus
Sand Pink

Diervilla lonicera 'Copper'
Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle

Dioscorea villosa
Wild Yam

Dirca palustris
Eastern Leatherwood

Disanthus cercidifolius

Disporopsis arisanensis
Evergreen Solomon's Seal

Disporopsis sp. (ex: China)
Evergreen Solomon's Seal

Disporum longistylum 'Night Heron'
Fairy Bells

Disporum longistylum 'Winter Sun'
Fairy Bells

Disporum megalanthum
Fairy Bells

Disporum sessile 'Variegatum'
Fairy Bells

Disporum uniflorum
Korean Fairy Bells

Diuranthera (syn. Chlorophytum) major
Hardy Spider Plant

Dodecatheon meadia ''white form''
Shooting Star

Drimiopsis botryoides
Giant Squill

Drimiopsis kirkii
Giant Squill

Drimiopsis maculata 'Indonesia Variegated'
African Squill

Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'
Autumn Fern